Annabelle’s Story


I was diagnosed with scoliosis in fifth grade and was told I would need to wear a back brace for 20 hours a day. I had just moved across the country and already had to deal with being the new kid at school. Now I would have to spend all day in a plastic prison. The first few months were very difficult, I had to adjust to moving and sitting down in the brace, my brace had to be refitted multiple times because it bruised my skin, and I tried to hide my brace with oversized clothing. Over time, there were two things that helped me stop living with my scoliosis and start embracing it. I discovered Curvy Girls support groups and was so excited to talk to other girls like me that I started my own chapter. I was able to give and get advice, support, and friendship from my group. Not only did I stop hating my scoliosis, I began to speak up and spread awareness. Curvy Girls empowered me not to be defined by my scoliosis but to be defined by my perseverance.

The second thing that helped me through challenges was my attitude. A few weeks into wearing my brace, it became clear that having a bad attitude was making my life miserable.

Stop viewing your scoliosis as something that makes you broken and instead look to your strength and determination as what makes you a warrior!


Jessy's Story


Mae’s Story