Ecuador Global Outreach Program

In collaboration with host spine surgeon, Dr. Hazem Nicola, and other local partners including the Fundación El Cielo Para los Niños, we are working together to build a pediatric spine program for Ecuadorian children suffering from spinal deformities and other complex spine conditions. In addition to providing charity spine surgery and post-op care to children whose families do not have the resources to pay for costly treatment, this program will also offer training and education to surgeons, medical staff, residents and medical students in the region on advanced surgical techniques and spine safety protocols.

Thank you to the team of outstanding volunteers willing to donate their time and talents to make miracles happen.

SpineHope team was thrilled to be back in Ecuador, February 22-27, 2025, for a pediatric spine surgical trip. Dr. Alec Stall, Dr. Todd, Ritzman, and the SpineHope team worked alongside host spine surgeon, Dr. Hazem Nicola, and the Fundacion Hospital de los Valles, to help children with complex spine disorders. We evaluated a dozen children and successfully completed 4 corrective spine operations.

Thank you to our incredible SpineHope team:

  • Alec Stall, MD - Spine Surgeon / SpineHope Medical Director

  • Bridges Gordy - Globus/Nuvasive IOM Tech

  • Carlos Archilla, MD - Anesthesiologist / OR Translator

  • Charlie Bull - AlphaTec Representative 

  • Curtis Jackson - AlphaTec Representative

  • Jay Real, RN - OR / Clinic Translator

  • Jorge Guerrero, MD - Anesthesiologist / OR Translator

  • Kim King - Clinic & Patient Coordinator / Translator

  • Maria Rojas - Medical Interpreter / OR Translator / Clinic Support

  • Sophie Aliece Hollis - Clinic Support / Translator / Social Media

  • Todd Ritzman, MD - Spine Surgeon

  • Zach Mitchell - Globus/Nuvasive IOM Tech

Thank you Charlie Bull and Alec Spine for sponsoring this life-chanign trip and donating critical spinal implants, product, and equipment as well as Globus Cares for donating neuromonitoring services.

After a long awaited return due to the COVID pandemic, the SpineHope team finally made it back to Ecuador, May 8 – 15, 2022, for a pediatric spine surgical trip. Dr. Matthew Geck and the SpineHope team worked alongside host spine surgeon, Dr. Hazem Nicola, the Hospital de los Valles, and the Fundación El Cielo Para los Niños, to help children with complex spinal deformities. During this week-long trip we were able to evaluate twenty-four children in an all-day clinic and performed five successful corrective spine surgeries. 

Thank you to the team of outstanding volunteers willing to donate their time and talents to make miracles happen:

  • Brandon Black, Medtronic Implant/Product Representative

  • Curtis Jackson, Medtronic Implant/Product Representative

  • Kim King, Onsite and Clinic Coordinator/Translator

  • Matthew Geck, Spine Surgeon/SpineHope Representative

  • Sophie Aliece Hollis, Clinic Support/Translator

  • Whitney Scurlock, Medtronic Implant/Product Representative

  • Wynn Bridges Gordy, NuVasive Neuromonitoring Tech

Thank you Medtronic for donating critical spinal implants, product, and equipment as well as NuVasive for donating neuromonitoring services for this week's spine surgeries. We are excited to be working together once again to build a sustainable pediatric spine program in Ecuador and look forward to planning our next trip in 2023.

Our inaugural surgical trip was November 2 – 9, 2019 at the Hospital de los Valles. The trip was a success. We performed 3 spine surgeries and saw over a dozen children in clinic.

Thank you to the following SpineHope volunteers who made this trip possible:

  • Ryan Murdock, Spine Surgeon

  • Alec Stall, Spine Surgeon

  • Jorge Guerrero, Anesthesiologist/OR Translator

  • Curtis Jackson, Medtronic Implant/Product Representative

  • Brandon Black, Medtronic Implant/Product Representative

  • Bridges Gordy, NuVasive Neuromonitoring Tech

  • Emily Kegans, Sentry Neuromonitoring Tech

  • Kimberley King, Co-Onsite Coordinator

  • Keely Williams, Co-Onsite Coordinator

  • Jacinto Real, OR Nurse/Translator

We are deeply appreciative of the volunteers who donated their time and resources to join the SpineHope team as well as the host hospital team that hosted us. A special thank you to Medtronic (donated critical implants and biologics for this trip), as well as NuVasive and Sentry Neuromonitoring (donated neuromonitoring services).


Thank for supporting our mission to help transform children's lives worldwide through spine surgery, education and research. Your gift will help us continue our life-changing programs and keep hope alive for children afflicted with debilitating spinal deformities and complex spine disorders. Together we are helping mend spines and give impacted children the opportunity to live fuller and healthier lives!