Ways To Give
Complex spine disorders, that include conditions like Scoliosis and Kyphosis, impact millions of children around the world and require surgical assistance. If you are moved by our mission and are interested in keeping hope alive for children afflicted with debilitating spinal deformities and other complex spine conditions, please consider making a donation to SpineHope. THANK YOU!
We accept all major Credit Cards, Debit Card, PayPal and Venmo donations through a secure online payment portal
Please mail this form and donation to: PO Box 684261 Austin, TX 78768

Thank for supporting our mission to help transform children's lives worldwide through spine surgery, education and research. Your gift will help us continue our life-changing programs and keep hope alive for children afflicted with debilitating spine disorders. Together we are helping mend spines and give impacted children the opportunity to live fuller and healthier lives!
Sponsorship Opportunities
The most inspiring way you can support SpineHope is pledging to support one of our programs, patients or volunteers directly. Below are some opportunities for sponsorship.
Sponsor a Medical Mission Trip
Our global programs are incredibly important and allow us, in the period of a week, to change the lives of 5-20+ children. With the generous donation you’ll be able to cover significant costs associated wit h running a spine surgical mission trip in one of our sites abroad. Your donation w ill contribute to the care of dozens of children and will support a volunteer team of 8-15.
Sponsor a Child Selected for the U.S. Hub Program
A $10,000 donation changes the life of one child in our U.S Hub Program. Your donation in the form of a partial or full child sponsorship is a great way to directly impact a child’s life and lend a generous helping hand to their family in need.
Sponsor a Volunteer
A great way to support our medical mission trips is to sponsor a volunteer. Some of our volunteer team members are college students, medical students, residents, and others that struggle to obtain financial support to go on one of our mission trips. Your donation will help cover the volunteer’s travel, meals, transportation, accommodations and other related expenses.
U.S. Hub Patient Accommodations – $1,000
Every patient that is selected to come here for surgical treatment in Austin through our Hub Program is in need of accommodations during their 4-6week stay. We always try to find a host family, but this is often hard as the responsibilities and length of stay are quite intense. We also try to partner up with the local Ronald McDonald House, but their rooms are in high demand and are first come first serve. Even when we are lucky enough to be granted a room for our patient we are asked to make a daily donation for their stay. Your donation of $1,000 would guarantee that our patients have a place to stay for surgery and recovery.
Medical Supplies – $500
The most expensive part of these mission trips may be the metal spine implants, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have other costs associated with the purchasing of other medical supplies. Depending on the resources for our host hospital will depend on what specific items are needed for each site. Your donation of $500 will cover the costs of disposable medical supplies for one mission trip, which may include alcohol swabs, medical tape, autoclave tape, diagnostic instruments, x-ray marking pencils, aspirin, anesthesia medicine, tubing, syringes, latex free gloves, pulse oximeters, drill bits, drapes, sutures etc.
Teddy Bears – $200
On every mission trip we give all of our patients a SpineHope Teddy Bear. These bears are handed out during visits to them during their recovery. It has become a solid part of our tradition and patients look forward to getting their bear- which often doesn’t leave their side once they’re united. And it’s not uncommon for patients to make these sincere gestures by naming their bears after our surgeons or volunteers. It’s amazing what a stuffed animal can do to brighten a child’d day, even in the achey phase of recovery; but I promise these bears are a great way to donate to our program. With $200 you’ll cover the costs of enough Teddy Bears for one mission trip.
Goody Bags – $150
During screening we hand out goody bags to children, which tremendously helps break the ice during what can be an intimidating evaluation. It’s always been a fun part of interacting with both the shy and outgoing patients we see in clinic. With a donation of $150 you’ll sponsor the purchase of goody bags for one mission trip.