Chair of Joy Practice - Sheryl Lynn & Joyely
Sheryl Lynn - The World Council of JOY has been forming for the last 2 years, assembling experts on JOY from across the professional spectrum. Composed of 20 Luminaries in their respective fields, the World Council of JOY is now excited to bring everyone together to have a serious conversation on JOY with founders, CEOs, business leaders, and communities at large from around the world. The World Council of Joy is operated by JOYELY, LLC. JOYELY's founder, Sheryl Lynn believes that everyone would benefit from implementing a Chair of Joy practice into their daily lives. To learn more or to take the 5 Day Chair of Joy Challenge, visit:
Interviewer: Sandra Dee Robinson, Trusted Advisor,Speaker Author Actress & Enthusiast for Leaders with a Message that needs to be heard.