2024 - Kevin Chad Dungao

In May 2024, Kevin Chad Dungao (from the Philippines) received charity spine surgery in Austin, Texas under the SpineHope program. Kevin’s spine journey was a successful one and he returned to the Philippines healthy, happy, with memories of several “first-time” experiences, and two inches taller! Kevin is grateful for the exceptional care he received and for all the individuals and organizations that donated medical services, time, and resources.

Prior to being selected for the SpineHope program, Kevin’s parents had been seeking treatment options for several years. Back in the Philippines, his doctors first recommended nonsurgical methods since spine surgery is very expensive and difficult to get. For years, Kevin underwent physical therapy, hard bracing, and swimming. But none of these provided relief and his curves continued to grow putting strain on other parts of his body. Doctors warned that he could in time experience major medical problems if left surgically untreated. It has been difficult for Kevin’s family to witness his struggle with scoliosis. His mother Leanna said, “It breaks my heart to see the sadness and frustration in his eyes.” Kevin told his family that he wants to have surgery so he can have a normal life with fewer restrictions. Leanna saw SpineHope’s social media page and applied for assistance. 

Now that Kevin’s SpineHope journey has come to an end, his family feel’s confident that this surgery has already helped him regain his confidence and that he now will be able to have a normal life. “We want to say thank you to SpineHope and to all the great doctors, staff and sponsors behind it. SpineHope has been helping children around the world who are suffering from scoliosis. We are lucky enough that my son was one of them. We are forever grateful for all this opportunity that they have given us and we will forever cherish this moment.” – Dungao Family


2024 - Mónica Santamaría Narváez


2024 - Katherin Membreño Perez